Entry staircase at the Legislative Building, Washington State Capitol, Olympia, Wa.

Parents’ Rights FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT Rally

Saturday – February 15 | 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
at Washington State Capital Steps 416 Sid Snyder Ave SW, Olympia

Last year, Washington voters strongly endorsed the Parents’ Bill of Rights (I-2081) — a citizen-led initiative supported by nearly 450,000 signatures and bipartisan backing. This measure empowered parents to access crucial information about their children’s education and underscored their role as primary stakeholders.

Now, House Bill 1296 aims to roll back these protections. By inserting an emergency clause, it prevents citizens from overturning the legislation via referendum, effectively silencing the families who rallied behind I-2081. Senate Bill 5181 takes similar steps, threatening to dismantle the critical parental rights we worked so hard to secure.

We must stand firm. Join us for a rally at the Capitol on February 15, 2025.

Event Location: Washington State Capital Steps
Map: 416 Sid Snyder Ave SW, Olympia

WAGOP Chairman and State Rep. (LD19) Jim Walsh highlights Saturday’s rally in defense of parental rights on the North Steps of the Capitol in Olympia at noon. “There’s a shift in momentum,” says Chairman Walsh. “Across the state people are waking up to the arrogance and shamelessness of the political left. As most of you have seen and heard, the issue of parental rights, healthy families, and healthy kids and the efforts by the radical left in Olympia to UNDERMINE parents’ rights has gotten national attention. This is GOOD NEWS.”



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